Sea Jelly
"Sea Jelly" ( Lion's Mane or hairy cyanide ) So the American aquarists call jellyfish. These amazing creatures appeared 650 million years ago, and still live in all depths of the ocean and even in fresh water. The word (jellyfish) in almost all languages of the world sounds the same. The brain and sense organs in the jellyfish are absent, their simplest nervous system, located on the epidermis, is able to determine only light and smell, as well as the touch of another being. Jellyfish do not have a respiratory system: their skin absorbs oxygen directly from the water. These marine residents are more than 90% water, and their umbrella is a gelatinous material surrounded by 2 layers of cells. In the jelly-like and transparent body of the jellyfish there are as many as 24 eyes. The lower part of the jellyfish is called the bell. As a source of food jellyfish use zooplankton, eating including eggs and larvae of some species of fish. ...