
Sea Jelly

"Sea Jelly" ( Lion's Mane  or hairy cyanide ) So the American aquarists call jellyfish. These amazing creatures appeared 650 million years ago, and still live in all depths of the ocean and even in fresh water.    The word (jellyfish) in almost all languages ​​of the world sounds the same. The brain and sense organs in the jellyfish are absent, their simplest nervous system, located on the epidermis, is able to determine only light and smell, as well as the touch of another being.     Jellyfish do not have a respiratory system: their skin absorbs oxygen directly from the water. These marine residents are more than 90% water, and their umbrella is a gelatinous material surrounded by 2 layers of cells. In the jelly-like and transparent body of the jellyfish there are as many as 24 eyes. The lower part of the jellyfish is called the bell. As a source of food jellyfish use zooplankton, eating including eggs and larvae of some species of fish.   ...


Dream Factory Today, on the southern slope of Mount Mount Lee in Hollywood, the famous Hollywood inscription flaunts. It appeared on July 13, 1923 and looked a little different. At that time, the letters were the word Hollywoodland, and it was not a commemorative sign, but advertising of new residential neighborhoods in Los Angeles. The height of each letter was 15 m, and the width - 9 m. The lighting of the inscription consisted of 4 thousand bulbs. The owners of the inscription were first going to dismantle it after 1.5 years, but it acquired such fame that it was left. The last part of the word - Land - was removed only in 1949.     By 1978, the letters had become unusable, and required immediate restoration. Then the owner of the Playboy magazine, Hugh Heffner, announced an auction during which each letter acquired its own sponsor.     The next renewal of the sign took place in November 2005 and was a complete repainting of the letters.     ...
Vodka for millionaires     Since 2000, vodka brands and brands have started to appear in the world, even not every millionaire can afford them.     The cheapest in this range can be called vodka "Stolichnaya" Elite from the Himalayan mountains. Its producers were estimated at $ 3,000, claiming that it was made from water that was taken from Himalayan mountain springs. Bottles for this sort of vodka are blown by hand, and the kit includes a gold-plated knife for ice splitting.      Vodka Belver Bears from Belvedere was made in a limited edition, especially for the Cannes Film Festival and it could be tried only by the most eminent participants of the French film forum. A bottle of Belver Bears vodka is made in the form of a bear. A bottle of transparent plexiglas is illuminated by two lighting elements, which give it an external resemblance to the ice. The cost of a bottle of this drink is 7240 dollars.     "Russian-Baltic" vo...
Cock   with   curling In the Chinese mountain village of Sinzesun, a farmer lives, in the poultry house of which lives the world's only curly-haired cock. According to the story of the farmer at first everything was like that of other birds, the cockerel hatched out of the egg at the right time and grew, no different from other chickens. When the feathers began to form in the birds, the farmer noticed that this rooster had a strange appearance and did not fit tightly to the body. With age, feathers curled more and more, in the end, the cock began to look as if he had been given a perm. An unusual bird aroused great interest among neighbors and representatives of the county department of animal husbandry. Experts say that they have never encountered such a phenomenon, it may be a mutation caused by ecological and genetic factors. The farmer himself complains that the cock has such a violent temperament that the rest of the chicken tribe are even afraid of it - when the "...