Dream Factory

Today, on the southern slope of Mount Mount Lee in Hollywood, the famous Hollywood inscription flaunts. It appeared on July 13, 1923 and looked a little different. At that time, the letters were the word Hollywoodland, and it was not a commemorative sign, but advertising of new residential neighborhoods in Los Angeles. The height of each letter was 15 m, and the width - 9 m. The lighting of the inscription consisted of 4 thousand bulbs. The owners of the inscription were first going to dismantle it after 1.5 years, but it acquired such fame that it was left. The last part of the word - Land - was removed only in 1949.
    By 1978, the letters had become unusable, and required immediate restoration. Then the owner of the Playboy magazine, Hugh Heffner, announced an auction during which each letter acquired its own sponsor.
    The next renewal of the sign took place in November 2005 and was a complete repainting of the letters.
    The Hollywood Walk of Fame was laid in 1958, but the trial halted the creation of the Walk of Fame.
    Inside each star there is an emblem of the category in which it was presented. Categories of only 5: contribution to the development of the film industry, television, sound recording and music, radio, theater. There is on the Walk of Fame and the personal star of the cartoon character Mickey Mouse.

    In 2001, the Kodak movie theater was opened in Los Angeles, now Dolby Theater, where the Oscar ceremony takes place every year, with 3400 people in the hall, and its stage is perhaps the largest in America .The Oscar statuettes handed to the winners are made of Alloy britany and covered with gilding.But during the Second World War, these figurines for the sake of economy made of plaster.


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